Contemplative Spirituality


Sunday Worship services 9am & 11am

Welcome to Contemplative Spirituality at Trinity...

Contemplative Spirituality is an ancient practice of bringing a deeper awareness of God’s presence in our lives through prayer and contemplation.


When we practice Contemplative Prayer in the midst of lives filled with busyness we begin to notice a new stillness which we carry within. We cannot change the external noise, however, we can practice staying fully present in each moment. The world needs this gift which we all carry within. All we have to do is practice. This is not easy, though it is indeed life changing. 


Here at Trinity you will find a quiet space where you can deepen your contemplative practice, or learn for the first time what contemplative spirituality is, and the impact it can have on your life. You have the opportunity to learn and practice Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and other prayer practices which invite us into a place of deeper listening for the ways in which God speaks within us. We share in sacred listening and gratitude practice as well.

All are welcome! 



Wednesday evenings on Zoom

Join us the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month on Zoom. You will find a quiet space where you can deepen your contemplative practice or learn for the first time what contemplative spirituality is, and the impact it can have on your life. We practice Centering Prayer well as other prayer practices such as Lectio Divina, explore mandalas, reflect on the teaching of the ancient mystics and present day mystics. Each evening there is also time for small group sacred listening as we share what has been stirring in us during our practice. All are welcome.

Details on in-person meeting coming soon...

  Zoom Link